Monday, May 16, 2016

A Happy Birthday To Andrew Keenan-Bolger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I swear, girls, I don't hope I lose my gay card!  What with all the talk on Friday of Fatima, and Mrs. Voorhees, I had forgotten that May 13 is also the birthday of Bea Arthur.  And I read something that on that day, one is supposed to listen to her singing "Don't Rain On My Parade????"  The things a girls still can learn.  Does such a recording exist??? Because THIS I have got to hear!

                                Just one more thing, darlings.  On Friday, while doing some banking, who should I bump into, but our own neiighborhood drag queen, Miss Gloria Gloryhole!  The outfits are hers; the name is mine!  I hadn't seen Gloria for over a year--in Bay Ridge, no less!--and wondered what in the world had become of her.  She must have been on some round the world gig or cruise, but she was fine and dandy, just struttin' her stuff, fit to please!!!!!!!!!!!  Welcome back, Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But today is all about wishing a Happy Birthday to that Toast Of Broadway, Andrew Keenan-Bolger.  I will not reveal his age, but suffice it to say he can go the youth route for a long time to come!  Now, if 'Tuck' is dark today, I wish Mr. Keenan-Bolger all he would want for on a day that is not only his birthday, but free from work!  I know the value of a day off, believe me, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                    So, whatever it is--sleep, mimosas, boys popping out of cakes, go for it, Andrew!  And have a great day!

                                     Which reminds me of something I had wanted to get in during my 'Tuck' posting.  One thing Mr. KB can do amazingly is dance.  He doesn't get praised enough for it, but after seeing him in 'Tuck' and "Newsies," I am telling you, he could do "A Chorus Line" tonight.  In fact, I see a revival in his future.

                                         No, not "Gypsy."  That has been almost done to death. But, if one is going to continually revive shows, how about Andrew in 'How To Succeed?'  Not that Daniel Radcliffe was a loss--he wasn't--but his musical theater roots are still being planted.  His acting and dancing were superb--the latter a surprise---but he needs to work on the vocal strength of his singing voice.  Andrew's musical roots, on the other hand, are as solid as that tree on stage in the show, and he projects the energy of ten horny truckers at a highway rest-stop!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But he is all charm and tenderness on stage. Which would make him perfect for the Loesser show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Anyway, Happy Birthday, Andrew!  Continued success, and more!!!!!!!!!!!

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