Friday, May 6, 2016

A Macabre Tale, From My Past!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This image reminds me of an incident from my childhood; I am talking about First Grade, and the Spring of 1962.  Now, you have all heard about Mrs. Cohen on here, but this is something you have never heard--a rumor, and legend that circulated about the Irving School playground (in Highland Park, NJ) during that time.  If any on here are of that time, and remember, feel free to comment.

                                   Remember Terry Burnham, the little girl who played Markie on the "Twilight Zone" episode, "Nightmare As A Child?"  There was a little girl in my class who looked exactly like her.  Her name was Kathy Burnett, and while I do not know what happened to her, or another classmate who I graduated with, Ronnie Betz, I do recall it was from them I first heard this tale.

                                    They told of a lady, dressed in black, who would cross the light at South Eleventh and Woodbridge Avenue, not far from Helen's Ice Cream Shop--remember Helen's, kids????--and come onto the playground, selling poisoned fruit, then would lure you somewhere, and cut your neck off.

                                       I was so terrified, I burst into tears.  I remember Paula Weiss, then at Irving, trying to comfort me, and George Lesko, too.  Then Yolanda walked over, and when I told her, she burst out crying too.  It took Mrs. Brodsky, whom we would later have in fourth grade, to calm her down.

                                         Now, when I would walk to school, I would cross with the crossing guard, who was usually Vicki Callentoni, Donna Callentoni's mother, and walk up the hill to where Irving School awaited. Sometimes I would walk with Sue Watkin and Debbie Klink.  Years later, while in high school, Sue would be asked about this, saying she recalls hearing the rumor, but that she did not start it.  No one knows who really did.  Debbie scared me, saying not to act scared, because if I did the lady would come for me.  That frightened me more.

                                            One night I was so hysterical I could not sleep.  Ronnie Betz had told me he had witnessed this woman cutting off somebody's head.  I remember my mother holding me in the bathroom, as I cried, afraid to even walk out of the house the next day!  And this was long before high school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Eventually, as quick as it appeared, the rumor, the lady, disappeared. I never saw her, or anyone resembling her, but I have never forgotten this chapter of my past.  You have to admit, it's different.

                                                But if anyone from Irving at this time, remembers any of this, I want to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  "The Children's Hour," indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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