Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Another Wrong Side Of The Tracks Story Gone Wrong, Courtesy Of "Law And Order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                       I had never seen the episode "Right To Counsel" before, but I was so glad I did.  Kevin Doyle, played by Darrell Larson as a real scumbag, is cut from the same cloth as Stephanie Harker.  Except, we love Stephanie, but cannot stand Kevin.

                         You see, Kevin always had his eye on the money.  In this case, the money amounted to one Barbara Spiegleman, whom he ended up murdering to keep this fortune from himself, and, more importantly, keep his dirty little social secret--often the worst kind, darlings!!!!!!!!--away from everyone.

                           Kevin was known as the rich people's lawyer. He worked for a high price firm.  As one of his classmates, while others were taking Civil Rights Law, Kevin would take courses like Tax Plans For The Wealthy. His eye was on the gold.

                             Some would praise such initiative.  But it took another attorney, Sally Knight, played by Mary Mara, whose voice I instantly recognized from the classic episode, "Killerz," to unravel Kevin's secret. As Sally admits, "People like me ride the F train."  Honey, I have ridden that and other trains, let me tell you. What is discovered is that Kevin and Sally conspire to frame Barbara's boy toy boyfriend, Steven Gregg, played by Richard Cox, so they could split the twenty million. When caught on to, Sally reveals she and Kevin grew up together in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, not Palm Beach, Florida.  Kevin was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth--I was, girls!!!!!!--because his father was an Irish garage mechanic, and his mother was either a secretary, a barmaid, or a domestic.  Not exactly top drawer.

                              Even his credits are misnomers.  He only cribbed and audited a couple of courses at Harvard; he never graduated from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   He really was not accepted by the crowd he coveted; he was their toady. So he murdered a nice woman, and ruined the life of an innocent man.  Who's the scum now, Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I love when he justifies himself, by saying, "I went to Harvard!  I work on Wall Street?"  Who gives a shit, Kevin?????????????

                                Which is why the ending did not surprise me.  Even though I loathe suicide, and have compassion for those who commit and/or survive it,  I was glad to see this scum rubbed himself out by slashing himself in the tub.  His poor parents; Kevin takes his life, because he cannot bear going back to the wrong side of the tracks, where he belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  His shame must have hurt their feelings horribly.

                                     Too bad, Kevin!  You needed to learn this lesson--people from the wrong side of the tracks should never attempt to leave there.  Robert Browning was wrong; a man's reach should NEVER exceed his grasp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      But you were too arrogant to learn, Kev!  Rot away!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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