Tuesday, May 10, 2016

"Corporation T-Shirt, Stupid Bloody Tuesday, Boy, You Were A Naughty Boy, You Let Your Knickers Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            OK, OK, I cribbed some of the Beatles lyrics for my own, but, I swear, girls, this is how I think I first heard "I Am The Walrus."  So, why would I be writing about this now?

                              Well, let's face it, it reflects the political times. Because we know the "Corporation T-Shirt" who "Lets His Knickers Down" refers to none other than Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 So, is "I Am The Walrus" a foreshadowing for Fascism??????????  I don't think it was when first written, but the way things have turned out lately, it looks like it could be!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Still, darlings, I prefer my Beatles the way they were intended--whimsical and lyrical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Here's the song!  Make up your minds, for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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