Sunday, May 8, 2016

Darlings, I Would Love This Car, But Not At The Price Of Being Joan Crawford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                "I don't get it, Marty.  Why do they make monsters like this?
                                                 For Blanche Hudson.
                                                 THAT's our problem."
                                                   --"What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" (1962)

                              Of course, I would have to be driven, because I can't drive.  Oh, well, I can always find someone to do that!  But there is no way I am going to be Joan Crawford!  That bitch!  And that Blanche Hudson--as far as I am concerned, she is the REAL villain of 'Baby Jane,'  and she dies at the end of the movie!  Don't give me any arguments, you know I am right!

                             But that car--I love its elegance.  And the sign behind it--it would say "Reserved For  The Raving Queen."

                                No running into gates, breaking my spine, for me!  I have places to go, people to see!

                                 But the car, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just GOTTA have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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