Sunday, May 8, 2016

Did I Have Goosebumps, Or What???????????????

                                  Actually, they vanished, as soon as I stepped up to Andrew, because he is as charming offstage as on.  You can sense real star presence in this photo, darlings, and my radiance.  How he gets the energy top do this eight show a week--Liza can't do that, anymore--is amazing, but, ah...youth.  No wonder he is convincing on stage as a perpetual seventeen year old!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Of course, I gave Andrew my blog card, and was honored to hear him say he knows about it!  So, if you are reading this, thanks so much, Andrew.  You and your sisters enrich the theater community with your talent and humaneness.

                                     You damn well deserved a TONY nomination, and one will come you way, soon!

                                      And, by the way, Toad deserved one, too. He gave a moving performance!

                                      Thanks so much, Andrew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That is quite the nicest recent photo I've seen of you, RQ! You look even cuter than the "star" next to you!


  2. Actually, it is a good shot.
    David has replaced it over Roberta.
    I was just radiant having my photo
    taken with him. He was so gracious.
