Saturday, May 21, 2016

Has Jennifer McMahon Written A Feminine Version of "The Other??????????????"

                                      I began thinking that, when I neared the climax of this book.  I may have to reveal some details, darlings, so, if I reach a point where i think you should stop reading, I will, as always warn you.

                                       "The Night Sister" is  deep ion McMahon territory-- rural Vermont, and the converging of past and present.  The Slater Sister, Rose and Sylvie, live in the past; their parents own the Tower Of London, which turns out to be more like its British namesake than one might think.  A generation later, in the present, Amy, Rose Slaters' daughter, discovers something unpleasant about her family, causing her to sever her friendship with Margot and Piper, sisters in the present day, and leading, in a way, to Amy's untimely adult demise.

                                         And here is where you should stop reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Where it gets like "The Other" is when the reader, as I did, starts to wonder if the secrets are supernatural or mental illness.  I have to confess, near the climax, when granddaughter Lou and grandmother Rose are together, I thought the grandmother was going to destroy them both, and save the child, as Ada had intended to do with Niles, in "The Other."  Instead, McMahon is more ambiguous, leaving all kinds of doors open; whether they are opened or not, remains to be seen.

                                         I cannot wait to read more Jennifer McMahon, darlings!!!!!!!!  She presses all my right buttons, and she will press to yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But don't let it traumatize, you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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