Friday, May 13, 2016

How About Those Life Alert Commercials, Dolls??????????????

                                         This is not the photo I wanted to post, but it comes the closest to what I want to express.  Now, everybody, no matter how old or young, has falling accidents, so I don't mind if Life Alert uses a few slightly robust folk in their commercials.  But, first, let's get someone who can do some decent line readings!!!!!!!!!!  It's not like I am asking for MERYL here, but come on; it's an acting gig, put some effort into it!

                                           There is only one who does, and that is the photo I wanted to find.  To voice over accompaniment, a chubby blond haired woman, in her late sixties or early seventies, is flat on the floor, supposedly screaming silently.  She is conveying emotion, all right, but it is the wrong kind! God forgive me, but every time I see the woman in this add, I think she is having an orgasm!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I mean, some might need Life Alert, after having one, but to look as though in the throes of one does the product a disservice.  Is Life Alert even aware of how foolish this looks?  The woman looks like she is auditioning for Molly Bloom in a Theater For The Deaf Production of "Ulysses."
And from how she looks on film, I would give her the part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Get your act together!  Or get your actors to convey the right ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Not like that guy you finally got rid of, who made it sound he was sorry Life Alert saved his mother-n-law's life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I fixed it, but actually the concept you projected is pretty
    accurate. The actors here are so poor they may as well be dolls!
