Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Let Me Tell You, Gojira Is Pretty Miffed, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Poor, lovable Gojira!  Seems like he is getting tossed aside, like Paula Zahn.  He doesn't deserve that, and he is fire breathing mad!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't blame him one bit.

                            He is particularly mad at Warner Bros. execs.  They have decided to cut back the release dates of his upcoming two films.   "Godzilla 2," which was to have been released this Summer, has been set back till 2019!!!!!!!!!!!   "Godzilla Vs. King Kong," which he did not want to make, until an injunction was brought in, and he was threatened with co-starring with Mothra, has been postponed till 2020!  This second film was only agreed to, so he could donate his salary to Sister Camille, and the Sisters Of Mercy!!!!!!!!!!

                             I talked with Gojira, and he was plenty riled.  "After sixty plus years of being the BIGGEST star in Hollywood, and all my humanitarian work, this is how they treat me???????  Discarding me for things like 'Green Lantern,' and 'Transformers?'  Who gives a rat's ass about fucking Green Lantern??????  I apologize for cussing, boys and girls, you know I love you all, but I am plenty miffed.  If Hollywood thought BARBRA was difficult, wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Rumor has it Gojira is going out West, peek in at some Warner Bros. board meetings, and let out some roars. He may even singe the room with some fire breath!!!!!!!!!!!

                                If I worked for Warner Bros., I would either leave now, or get an earlier release date for these films!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  But don't worry, Gojira!  Even if these films will get released, they will tank at the box office!

                                   You are the one who draws the crowds in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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