Monday, May 2, 2016

Now, It Is Definitely May!!!!!!!!!!!! And You Know What That Means!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Actually, girls, it means quite a lot.  It is the month of Mary, which means she gets crowned with flowers, preferably roses.  It is the month of flowers, in general.  It is also the month of my beloved and I's anniversary--6 years together in just six days!!!!!!--and the hoopla attendant with that. Plus, we are seeing "She Loves Me!" on the 22nd, and don't forget May 13, which is the 99th Anniversary of Our Lady Of Fatima. Big day for admirers of Mary, and Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This month marks six months past my birthday, the fiftieth anniversary of my open heart surgery (on the tenth!!!!!!!!) and, two weeks later, the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of "MAME."  So, May is quite a month.

                                  Then, on June 6, I have my....colonoscopy!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God, have mercy on me; I hope I am all right; I am still needed on this Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     But that comes later. Right now, it is time to usher in the month the way I always have--with Julie Andrews singing "The Lusty Month of May," from "Camelot!"

                                     I mean, those lyrics--"Those dreary vows that everyone makes, everyone breaks, everyone makes divine mistakes........The lusty month of May!"--how brilliant!!!!!!!!  Do you think you will find such verbal brilliance in "American Psycho????????????"

                                       If you do, you're crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Happy May, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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