Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Onward, Career Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Yes, darlings, it is time for us Manhattan career gals to hoist up our girdles, once again, and head back to the slag heap, known as the office.  After transitioning from Bay Ridge to Hidden Ridge, in Monticello, and then back to Bay Ridge, I'm not sure where I am.

                                     Up in Monticello, we dined romantically be the water, at The Fat Ladies Cafe, with our friends, Eddie and Brian. Who, by the way, have a new addition to their home--a little shiatsu named Yofi, which means "beautiful" in Hebrew.  Our sleeping quarters, in a nearby apartment, was out of the set of "The Golden Girls," and the mattress was so hard--oh, my back!!!!!!!!!  It's like in "The Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!"  But it did not stop me from performing on the band stand in the field where Woodstock took place--and I sang "White Rabbit," to tumultuous applause.  Well, sort of.  The people striding the fence behind me all cheered!

                                       And the first night we heard a cat snarl, and I was waiting for the ghosts of the Barry Sisters to serenade us.

                                         So, that was our holiday, and here we are!  The clock is ticking down to the time of colonoscopy!  Oh, heaven help me!!!!!!!!!  Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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