Friday, May 13, 2016

This Bitch Couldn't Pull Off Her Scheme, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Just because I was ill, ad had to see a doctor, darlings--I am OK!!!!!!!--does not mean I neglect my duties on here.  I knew yesterday was Bitch Of The Week, but I had no time in the morning yesterday, which is when I do much of my writing, so here I am today, with Belated Bitch Of The Week.

                                 Now, a few days ago I caught a rebroadcast of the 1994 "Law And Order" episode, "Golden Years," which targets elder abuse and greed.  An elderly woman was starved to death, and died, by her granddaughter, who looked after her--yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!!--because she needed a large amount of money for her law school tuition--so why not hasten Granny's departure?????????????

                                  This granddaughter was no Red Riding Hood!  Her name was Laurie Bauer, and she was wonderfully played by Julie Dretzin.  And she is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                    Laurie was a real piece of work, but I have to wonder about her mother, Eileen Bauer, played by Frederica Meister.  This was her own mother; why did she toss all the responsibility onto Laura????????  From the scenes I saw, it wasn't like she was living some Blythe Danner lifestyle!!!!!!!  Shouldn't she have been more vigilant about her mother's care???????????  Damn right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Now, since Laurie was the kind of sick, sociopathic individual, would you want her as a lawyer?  Assuming her record didn't surface, because she would have been disbarred.  But she was too narcissistic to think of practical matters.

                                       I don't know how much money she needed, but let me tell you, Laurie, if you pulled off this scheme in 2016, whatever amount Granny had in 1994, would barely cover a semester of your precious l;aw school.

                                        Poor Eileen Bauer.  If Laurie had gotten away with this, she would have much to fear from her own daughter.  You don't think Laurie would pull the plug on her, if needed?  She wouldn't even blink an eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         This young, deadly bitch is right where she belongs!  What ever made Laurie think she could become a lawyer???????????

                                          She was simply following in the tradition of Sante Kimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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