Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Welcome Another Reader To This Hallowed Spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I want to welcome Sammi Leigh to this blog, and hope you enjoy days and days of my brand of the bizarre, over coffee; this blog goes great with coffee.  I speak for myself, because when I am home I have a cup beside me while writing.

                                   I am always curious what particular set of circumstances draws or drew readers here, but I am grateful to you all.   There is a lot coming up in the months ahead, so stay tuned; it may not be a laugh riot, but it will be SOMETHING.

                                     To welcome Sammi, I am going to use what I dub this blog's unofficial theme song-- Deborah Harry, singing "Call  Me!"

                                       Welcome, Sammi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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