Monday, May 9, 2016

"You Know, Miss Ruth Was A Lady. And A Lady Always Knows When To Leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  That line is spoken  by the great Cicely Tyson in her role as Sipsey, when Mary Louise Parker, as Ruth, passes on. This scene is just beautiful and heartbreaking the way it is played; Mary Stuart Masterson's sobs are so real I feel Idgie's pain each time I view this. But I had forgotten the line Sispey says to comfort her, and she is right.

                                   Miss Ruth was a lady. So, she knew when it was time.  Of course, a quarter century before, moved as I was, I saw mortality still as something far, far away.  Not that it hovering--I certainly hope NOT--but the older I get the more I appreciate each day, and the lovely moments given.  I think that is what Sipsey, Idgie, and Ruth, want us to take away from this scene, and I think that is why Fannie Flagg wrote it.

                                     I have to say I missed Ruth, especially in the movie, because Mary Louise Parker's portrayal of her was just perfect. As was Mary Stuart Masterson, as Idgie. That they did not get Oscar nominations is one of the Academy's many shames.

                                       But to generations who watch this film they will always be Ruth and Idgie.
Here is that beautiful moment, for you.  Watch, and remember.

                                       Time to wipe our eyes, now, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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