Friday, May 13, 2016

You Know What Day It Is, Girls????????????????

                                     Yes, my dears, here we are, facing another Friday The 13th, and you know what means!  I have my TV all cued up for Mrs. Voorhees and Company; next to Betsy Palmer, Jeannine Taylor, as Marcie, steals the show.  I love her Kate Hepburn impersonation.

                                     This is the day we all go around, saying "Kill her, Mommy!  Kill her!"  I was thinking; this day should be celebrated!  Just as they have Krampus parades in Europe, we should have Mrs. Voorhees and Jason parades each time this day roles around, especially in New York, and San Francisco!!!!!!!  I mean, Greenwich Village??????????  Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, Happy Friday The 13th, however you celebrate it!  Lets take a look at the brilliant Betsy again!  How I miss her!!!!!!!!

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