Thursday, June 16, 2016

A No-Brainer This Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              As soon as I awoke this past Sunday, and heard about what Omar Mateen did, I knew he was good for Bitch Of The Week. But when I heard that his shooting on visitors to the gay nightclub, Pulse, in Orlando, FLA, was the greatest mass shooting in history, and the biggest disaster since 9/11, he is sure to nail Bitch Of The Year.  Unless, God forbid, something worse happens before December 31, and I pray it does not.

                               Good looks often mask evil. But when things began to be revealed, I was not surprised.  I had him pegged for an extremist closet case, so uncomfortable, with himself and his culture, that he took it out on everyone else.  I mean, closet cases are dangerous in and of themselves; they ruin marriages, children, and sometimes infect their spouses with STD's.  All of which is despicable enough, and the solution is to be like Margaret White, and just lock them in their closets, until they decide to own up.  And avoid them like the plague, because they take the prize for hypocrisy.

                                 Omar Mateen is a deceased bitch, which means he will never kill again, but it might have been interesting to get some insights from him. Clearly, he craved attention, so he would talk.

                                    What does it say about a man who marries only four months, divorces, and then marries again, and has a kid?  That he is trying desperately to appear that he is straight. Hey Omar, I got news for you; people would rather have you out and proud, then shooting down over 100 people, killing 50, just because they happen to be comfortable with who they are, and you are not!!!!!!
Who the hell are you to play God? What gave you the idea it was your decision to end the lives of these people, who had more to offer than you.

                                        Straight To Hell for this bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Instead of movements to rehabilitate gays, let's rehabilitate closet cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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