Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I Am Now A Member Of The High Blood Pressure Club!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Girls, why did this have to happen?  Up until around my Forties, even if I was my most vitriolic, my blood pressure was always.....perfect.  I was certain hypertension was something I would never have to worry about.

                            Then I started inching past forty, and so did my blood pressure.  Not right away, just in slight increments, to designate me, a little high.  Like, for example 140/98.  Within the last five years, my cardiologist, whom I trust, has hinted that the time would come when I would need to be on blood pressure medication.

                               Well, darlings, that time has come.  Suddenly, since May, I have been getting weird readings.  Not so much on the top, but what concerned me more was on the bottom.  Things like 139/104, or one time, 166/111.

                                 What was going on?  I was anxious in May about the colonoscopy, but I came through that OK. And things are just perfect at home...as usual.

                                    So, I rushed to my cardiologist.  He is trying me out on something called Benicar.  I am to stay on this for two weeks, and monitor my readings.  If the blood pressure goes down, this, or an equivalent, would be the one.  If not I am to take for two weeks a 40mg type of something that starts with an A.  I cannot recall the name.

                                       We shall see what transpires.  But who would have thought I would come to this,

                                         The Baby Boomers were supposed to remain young forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!