Thursday, June 16, 2016

Isn't Gojira Cute???????? And Don't We Just Love Him???????????????

                                 In 1991, a writer named Mark Jacobson published a novel entitled "Gojiro."  Not "Gojira," but "Gojiro."  There is no question whom this book is about, but I bet Toho copyright laws necessitated the changing of the last vowel.

                                   I had been looking forward to this, expecting a cute take on the Hollywood memoir by its biggest star.  Instead, it has been compared to Voltaire and "Beowulf," and the opening chapters are so hard, I had to be reminded by Gojira that it IS just a story.  Because we all know how lovable he is, and don't want him sad.  In the opening chapter, Gojira is found, contemplating suicide.
As if such a thing were possible.

                                    So, I hope this book gets upbeat.  It does, supposedly, have a happy ending, and I will share it all with you, when I am done.  I am only on page 33, so I have another 323 to go.

                                      Gojira is one of the most beloved creatures out there. In the book he calls himself a "Cosmozard," which is a cosmopolitan lizard.  Which is why he loves the night life, his fans, and children, in general.

                                          You are loved, Gojira!  And Baby Gojira!  You both are the best!!!!!!!!!!!

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