Monday, June 13, 2016

Orlando. What Can I Say???????????????

                                 I mean, really, what can be said that hasn't been said before? When will the necessity for this kind of repetition stop??????????

                                  I awakened Sunday morning, looking forward to hearing Sister Camille, my coffee, and with acceptance that the evening's TONY Awards would turn out to be a relatively sedate and boring affair.  I had accepted that.

                                    The moment I heard what had happened in the wee hours at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando, Florida, all thoughts cleared from my mind.

                                      Yes, it was a gay night club, and yes, as a LGBT community member, I am outraged.  But I would be outraged no matter what community it was. Fifty killed, and even more injured--who knows how seriously????--is nothing any community or culture should be forced to face.

                                       Sister Camille was cancelled.  Though I am certain she was watching and praying. We were on the same page.  I hoped Sandy Hook would be the last of it.  It wasn't, and neither, unfortunately, will Orlando be.

                                        It could have been anywhere. But it was Orlando, this time.

                                         Omar Mateen, the 29-year-old mass shooter, now deceased, is not only looking good for Bitch Of The Week, as far as I am concerned, he has nailed Bitch Of The Year.  I don't want to think about what could be worse.

                                            I thought of staying home today. But what would that have accomplished?

                                             Our home and neighborhood grieve for Orlando--my beloved, myself, Baby Gojira, Ramsey and Jr., Cujo, Missy, and Chloe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   All send concern and love.

                                               And a social protest song--Peter Paul, and Mary doing "Blowin' In The Wind."

                                               Its questions are still being asked.

                                               When will they stop????????????????????

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