Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Two "Little Foxes"--At Twice The Price!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now, girls, I have known for some time--but have kept quiet--that Daniel Sullivan was going to direct Laura Linney as Regina Giddens in another revival of that wonderful play, "The Little Foxes," or, as it should be called, "A Southern Bitchfest!"  The news that Cynthia Nixon will not only be in it, but will alternate the roles of Regina and Birdie Hubbard sets my teeth on edge.

                               I have complete confidence in Laura Linney. After that monologue in "Mystic River," I know she can play Regina.  And I have seen in her other work a vulnerability that suggests she could do a wonderful Birdie.

                                  The problem, darlings,--and here I am, going to be a bitch!!!!!!!--is Cynthia Nixon.  Once an actress of note, she is used goods, because all her years as Miranda on "Sex And The City" have drained her of any stage acting ability.  Look how she flopped in "The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie!!!!!!!!!!"  And now she is playing Regina--which will be strident--and Birdie--which should be camp, the way she will reduce the role!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Where has casting gone wrong these days??????  First of all, keep Laura; they--being Manhattan Theater Club--are right on the mark, with her.  For Birdie, why not get Mary-Louise Parker, who would be so absolutely heart rending as Birdie, tear-streaked fans will be crawling to her dressing room?????????????

                                        How about Celia Keenan-Bolger, as Alexandra????????   She could pull off the suppression and then that sudden power surge at the end!  I mean, look at Teresa Wright!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I have no idea who they are going to get to play hateful jerk, Leo. That should be interesting, because Leo is an interesting character. He's dumb, but not so much as one thinks.

                                             Of course, those of us who love "The Little Foxes" will have to see the damned thing twice--to see Laura and Cynthia do both Regina and Birdie.

                                               Hey, I want to be seen for the role of Horace!  I can do that staircase scene like nobody's business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Of course, I would love to play Regina or Birdie.  But that is for another production!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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