Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Darlings, This Will Outdo "Springtime For Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                             Now, darlings, I am hardly one to make light of the Holocaust.  But the other night, a friend mentioned someone they knew acquainted with a woman named Ilsa.  I have not heard that name in ages, and it brought back to me thoughts of this film, "Ilsa, She Wolf Of The S S," which I have not seen in twenty years, and is more than forty years old.  It was first shown in 1975.  Imagine that. How did I miss it?

                                               Well, for starters, it is high camp, tinged with porn. Straight porn, that is.  Can one go too far in the areas of camp and porn????  Well, among gay men, there is "Centurions Of Rome."  I don't have to say any more. On the distaff side, the 'Ilsa' films (this one was so successful a whole series emerged) made a strong argument for that case.

                                                  Lesbians and straight men with dominatrix fantasies will just love Ilsa, who beats, whips, urinates, orally rapes and degrades hers to command with such abandon those under her command love it.  Actually, it is one of the funniest films I have ever seen.  Not that I would watch it a second time, but it should be experienced once.  (Gay men will have a time laughing at how these straight guys get off!  What ever happened to K-Y???????????)

                                                   Having done that, like me, one will never think of the name Ilsa in the same way, should it be heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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