Monday, July 4, 2016

How About A Double Dose Of Patriotism, Dolls?????????????

                                    Of course, Baby Gojira wishes all a Happy Fourth Of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!    This is the day for cool drinks, patriotic musicals, and even, as shall be seen, Little Edie's Fourth Of July Sparkler Dance!!!!!!!!!   And, of course, fireworks galore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Tell you cranky neighbor or arch rival where to stick that sparkler, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Which is to say I wish all a Happy Fourth, and get all the fun and love you can out of this day, which always brings back to me childhood memories of fireworks and cookouts in South Plainfield and the summer rolling out before me, like a golden, magic carpet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Here is Little Edie's dance!

                                     Ride that carpet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                          

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