Saturday, August 13, 2016

Canal Street Meltdown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           My makeup was the least of it, girls!  I am telling you, right now, do NOT go out in this heat, because it will kill you faster than Miss Diana Ross killed Florence Ballard. And I can prove it.

                            Both my beloved and I  had the day off. We thought we would venture into the city, get the errands done early, then go to a movie.  Well, dolls, I am an Uptown Girl, and if you put me into a Downtown World, I have no idea where I am going.  Neither does my beloved; for both of us anything below the Film  Forum is like the End Of The World.

                             So, it was no surprise, getting lost, trying to find our way to a subway--ANY subway that would take us anywhere--in coolness.  I have been wanting to do a post for awhile now on how the Summer heat triggers people's tempers. Well, yesterday, I became my own subject.

                               And no movie, to boot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              See, I won't put up with those sordid, self-absorbed self-involved Downtown Non-Professionals.  I won't take that attitude from a bunch of Second Rate Divas, who can't sustain. All of those corporate honchos, knocking off common pieces of female dirt from Staten Island, while their wives take the money and run.  They bought their asses for money, and I hope they can live with that!

                                The whole goddamn Manhattan is like that, which is how I felt yesterday, and why I was so mad, I knocked down a sunglasses display on Canal.  I feel bad for my beloved who had to stay with me during all this, but I am not a bit sorry I knocked that down!  I wanted to punch someone in the face!

                                  This is what the heat did to me, yesterday! And, to think, I used to love Summer as a child.  Well, not when it gets like this.

                                     Thank God, I was not doing a gig at the Delacorte!  You want to see one bitchy Diva?????????  You just put me there, in weather, like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I got into a smackdown at the local Post Office last week. People can get on your last nerve in this heat, when all the social graces (whats left of them) vanish into humidity. Tempus can't fugit fast enough this sweltering season: I want to just skip ahead to October.

  2. When the heat rises, so do tempers. Not sure if we will go out today,
    I don't want to compromise my health, either.
