Monday, August 8, 2016

Gojira Promotes Good Health To All His Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Let's face it, from Baby Boomers on, we are all children of Gojira, the lovable reptile who really loves everyone, and we love him. So, with Back To School looming on the horizon, Gojira thought it would be a good idea to emphasize the importance of staying healthy.

                           Here, he is saying to take care of your teeth and your eyes. And, when Gojira takes care of himself, it requires a lot more than the rest of us!  But he is always polite and courteous, and is never rude.  That is one reason why his stardom has lasted so long.  Unlike that Mothra!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           So, let us all follow Gojira's example and get dental checkups and eye exams to keep us going as long as we can!!!!!!!!!!  And Gojira will be with us along the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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