Monday, August 29, 2016

Good News For Insomniacs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Yes, girls, as of last evening, Sunday nights will be easier to fall asleep, because Paula Zahn is back "On The Case."  Nothing much has changed--still the droning delivery that viewers have come to expect, and, my God Paula's appearance is still being handled by straight men--hair barely combed, and that square cut black thing she  has worn countless times.  Well, her fan base is made up of sex addicts, so the market has to be satisfied.

                                      The case was a happy one.  Because the girl survived.  The Romanek  sisters, Katie, 12, and Elizabeth, 16, were home. in Lodi, California, which happened to be up for sale.  Elizabeth was babysitting for her sister, who had a friend over, and they were playing "Operation."  You remember, darlings!  The electric game, where YOU are the doctor?????? This was as technological as games got, back in its day.

                                         This was back in 1992; almost a quarter century!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Anyway, this strange guy comes to the door, clad only in cut off jeans, and maybe shoes and socks.  Mr. Sex Dude, to be sure.  He says he wants to look at the house, because he wants to buy it, but Liz does not fall for that, and slams the door in his face!  Good for her!

                                           But, when she leaves the girls alone, while she picks up a pizza, he comes back, breaks in, ambushes the girls, with the friend hiding a closet. When Elizabeth returns to imprisons her, tied to the bed in her room, and brings Katie in, asking which one of them should he rape!!!!!!!!!!!  Sick, right???????? Of course, to protect her sister, Elizabeth subjects herself to this trauma, with Katie watching!   Nice, huh?  Then the predator abducts Katie, and runs off. The friend comes out of hiding, unties Elizabeth, and the search for Katie begins. The parents are notified.

                                           The good news from all this, is that, in spite of a burning car, Katie is found alive, her predator being the son of a neighbor down the street, barely weeks out of prison, a 25-year-old drifter/loser and sex sicko, named Steven Reece Cochran.

                                               This was as much of Paula as I saw before I fell asleep, but I can tell you that this guy was convicted, and is now serving a hundred year sentence, in a California prison.  He will never come out into civilization, except in a box.

                                                   Katie is lucky to be alive.  And I was lucky to have stayed awake through this much of Paula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Sunday slumbers are back, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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