Saturday, August 27, 2016

Happy Birthday, Daniel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Today would have been Daniel Fitzpatrick's 14th birthday, and he should be here, to celebrate it.  Alas, 16 days ago, forces conspired that caused him to make the irrevocable decision to end his life, by suicide.  It is widely known and accepted that every single member of Holy Angels Catholic Academy, just a block away from I in Bay Ridge, carries some of the mantel of blame; some more than others of course, like the actual bullies and administrators.  But those who stood by, and did nothing, are complicit, too.

                                                 Some of my earlier readers may be surprised to discover I have not written as much about Daniel on here, as I did with Tyler Clementi.  It is not that I have not wanted to.  The reason is Tyler's case was more clear cut; with Daniel, there have been allegations related to his home life, and, to be honest, I don't know enough about those matters to make me certain enough to write about those.  And I certainly do not want to crucify a family who has been crucified enough!

                                                   So, I am complying with his sister, Shannon.  I saw an article on the Internet, and, getting off the train last night, was reminded of it, when I saw a sign taped to the nearest lamppost.

                                                  Here is my offering to Daniel and his family.  May Daniel rest in peace, his tormentors be brought to justice, and his family get some kind of closure.

                                                And shame on you, Holy Angels Catholic Academy!  I hope your enrollment drops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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