Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Time For Some Levity; We Need It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Before I learned the truth about what a bitch that Diana Ross was, and still is, there was a brief period, when I wanted to be her.  That is when the song "Love Child" first came out, back in 1968.

                               It was something of a ground breaker for The Supremes. It dealt with the social issue of the marginalization of those born illegitimate, and a reminder of their humanity, and dignity, too.  Today, on the day of interment of Daniel Fitzpatrick, I want to think of him as a "Love Child;" in this sense a child who was loved by those who deeply cared for him. And so many of us, who are saddened by his death.

                               My poor parents.  When this song would play on the radio, I would, on cue, get up to do it, in Diana's key, and with all those gestures.  And I can still do it today!

                                But instead of giving you that, let me give you Diana--Miss Ross, my ass!!!!!!!!--and The Supremes.

                                  I sure knew what it was like to live my life in doubt, to be without the simple things--like designer clothes and a Manhattan penthouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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