Monday, August 1, 2016

Today, We Said Good-Bye To A Beloved Friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          It seems like I had not seen any of my neighborhood friends--Joan, Chloe, Missy, Teresa, and, of course, Cujo, for a long stretch.

                            So, imagine my surprise, when we got to 76th Street, and there, sitting waiting for me, was Missy. Today, Missy is leaving Bay Ridge, to begin a new life elsewhere, and she wanted to say goodbye. She is so sweet.  I hugged her, and she hugged me, and said how much I loved having had her in our neighborhood, and that she will be missed.  I have no doubt that Missy will be fine. She is a tough cookie!!!!!!!!!!

                             As if they sensed my sorrow, Bacci, and Cujo were out.  Bacci preened her feathers for me, while I clucked affectionately, and a happier looking Cujo than last week was waiting to cheer me up, because he knew I was upset at Missy's parting.

                              So, farewell, and God Bless, Missy.  You leave me in good hands, with Cujo, Chloe and Bacci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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