Thursday, September 22, 2016

How Far Have We Come In Six Years, Girls???????????????

                                    Today marks the sixth anniversary of the Tyler Clementi tragedy. So, at 8:50 PM, this evening, I am asking the gay community out there for a minute of silence--wherever you are. To remember the alleged time when he took an irrevocable step that ended his life, his family's, and changed the way bullying is looked at in this country.

                                      The Clementis have done more than a crackerjack job with their speeches and the Foundation. But there are still miles to go; look at the recent suicide of Staten Islander, Daniel Fitzpaatrick, or  the overturning of scum Ravi's conviction.  He will get his.

                                        Today, let us focus on Tyler...what he accomplished, has gone on to accomplish, and might have accomplished, had he remained.

                                          And, above all, pray--that such needles tragedies will be stopped!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          That is the legacy of Tyler Clementi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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