Friday, September 30, 2016

Nine Months Down, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Can you believe that is it for September, darlings??????????????  Three quarters of 2016, down the drain!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Where has the time gone?

                                Autumn is getting underway, with chilly nights, and reduced air conditioner use.  Time to cuddle up with mulled cider, autumn leaves, like the ones trickling into the house in "Written On The Wind," and the Theater Season heating up.  I am anxiously awaiting Celia and Mary-Louise, but where are the musicals????  Just like where is the excitement on "American Horror Story?????????"

                                 So, September was a kind of quiet, settling down month for all of us here.  Now, we go into October, which should bring--oh, my God, the dentist!!!!!!!--and ghosties and ghoulies.  October is generally a fun month, so I thank all readers for a settled September, and look forward to fun and sharing with you all, in October!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Toodles, kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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