Thursday, September 29, 2016

Oh, My God, Girls, I Still Choke Up, When The Ghost Of Mitchell Bayes Appears To His Adult Daughter, Tina, With A Chocolate Milkshake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Why am I so obsessed with "Churchgoing People?"  My family, thank God, was nothing like the Bayes.  My mother and I might have had issues, but not like those with Charlotte.  No wonder Tina was so glad to get a chocolate milkshake from her father, with him calling her "my best gal."  It was the only love she got, what with Charlotte's incestuous fixation on Ryan, and her temperament so fierce Mitch could not sleep in the same room with her. He had to sleep alone, and lock his door with bolts, for fear his wife would attack him.

                           Why does someone live with someone like this?  What transitioned Charlotte into what she is when we see her?  How did she become that?  Why did Mitch marry her, and how long till he discovered something was very wrong with her?  And, most importantly, how is it possible for the adult Ryan and Tina to put their lives back together?  Or can they?

                              These questions go through my mind each time I watch the episode.  If any of you have ideas, feel free to comment?  Have you ever known a family like the Bayes?  Were the police ever called?   How did neighbors nearby react?

                                I agree with an onliner that what we see is an early foreshadowing of Charlotte's Alzheimer's.  If I had been Ryan, and seen her murder my dad, I would have grabbed the poker, smashed her face in, and knocked her down the stairs.  Then get on with my life.

                                   Easy for me to say.  I never lived under such a situation. Which is why I want to hear from those who have, or know of others who have.  There is a need for me to understand all this.

                                    Like Tina, I loved milkshakes. But, with me, they were always black and white!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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