Thursday, September 15, 2016

Scrub Those Convent Floors, You Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Abigail, or Abby, Simon, called herself a "Catholic tutor," but there was nothing Catholic or charitable about the kind of services she was offering, darlings.  Her services earns her the prize as winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Back in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Abby, around 2013, the "tutor" offered her services to a 15-year-old, six foot three, two hundred twenty pound boy.  Sexual services.  She must have liked them big.  Or maybe he was a linebacker, and she was just desperate.

                        This bitch talks and cries out of both sides of her mouth. You can see it in the footage.
Her eyes tear up, as she plays the victim, yet it is so obvious she is calculating as she goes along.
She claims she could not get rid of him; he was obsessed with her. It was the other way around, darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                          She was convicted, getting a sentence of eight to twenty-five. She should have gotten Life Without Parole. She is a sexual predator, she should have to register, and when she gets out, if she does, she should be monitored, and will do this again.

                             Or, by then, she will be doing granny porn, after hours, in nursing homes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               She should be commanded to scrub the convent floors! She is no Bernadette, but maybe she can be taught a lesson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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