Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Why Is All The Entertainment Evaporating On Broadway????????????????

                         "Fun Home" has checked out.  So has "Les Miz," though give it another five or so years, and it will be back.  On January 1, "Matilda" plays its final performance.

                            And two weeks later, on the 15th, "Jersey Boys" will be closing.

                            Can you believe it?  This week, "The Humans" has the distinction of being the ONLY play on Broadway.  By the time we get to 2017, that could be reversed.

                               Why are all the musicals going?  What is going to replace them?  And if we're cleaning out yesterday's news, why doesn't "The Phantom Of The Opera close up shop?  That chandelier needs to come crashing down?

                                   "Holiday Inn?"  A revival of "Miss Saigon?"  "Cats" being back?

                                      Is this all Musical Theater Queens have to look forward to?

                                       "Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of musical theater on Broadway????????"

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