Monday, October 17, 2016

Darlings, I Hope My Dental Visit Tomorrow Does Not Turn Out Like This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This is Guy Rolfe, unmasked, as "Mr. Sardonicus," based on the Ray Russell short story about a disfigured man with rictus, who has himself restored sugically to normal--with an unbearably awful price. It is in the collection of Ray Russell stories I recently bought, and it is in the 1961 William Castle movie--one of his better efforts.

                                Think of the tooth cleaning this guy must get. If they have to go deep, I don't know how it is done.  Fortunately, my teeth do not look like this, but, since I suffer from Dental Anxiety Disorder, I think Mr. Sardonicus is a perfect symbol for those of us who dread going to the dentist.

                                  Keep those pearly whites, dears, but don't get too greedy.  Or you might end up looking like Mr. Sardnoicus.

                                     Heh! Heh! Heh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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