Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Birthday, Halloween Or Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I could not let this October end, without a birthday wish to one whose birthday--at least the date--is not known, but it is in October, so, either, today or prior, Sister Camille D'Arienzo has turned 79. And continues to remain as upbeat, energetic, inspirational, and beloved, for those directly close to her, or those, like my beloved and myself, who never miss her Sunday broadcasts on 1010 WINS.  She always leaves one with something to think about.  I strive to have her strength of compassion, especially when it comes to forgiveness, and I do my best, but that is a hard one, girls.

                                 So, here is wishing Sister Camille a wonderful birthday celebration, and a very spirited and spiritual year.   And the Fatima Centennial is coming up.  Keep us in your prayers, Sister C, as you remain in ours.

                                    And have a glorious birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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