Sunday, October 9, 2016

It Isn't So Much About Not Giving A Shit, As Letting The Cards Fall Where They May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Let's face it, hons, Alice knew when she was being dealt a hand, and so do I!!!!!!!!!!!  This is why I am going to follow Alice's lead, regarding what I said earlier on here, about the Pink Palace.  Like Alice, maybe it IS time to emerge from my decades long underground Wonderland immersion.

                                              Only Time will tell, as Alice would attest.  When Wonderland becomes no more, the only thing to do is exit gracefully.  Just as Alice was taught, and I was, at Miss Porter's!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Which is why 'Alice' is one of my favorite books.  And why I always go ask her..even when she is ten feet tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   You will kept apprised, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            But, what better way to express my attitude, than with this song from "Follies"  Here goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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