Friday, October 14, 2016

Take My Word For It--No Matter What The Age, Never Trust Anyone Named Brandi Or Tiffany!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          If "The Sleepover" is  any indication, those are bitch names.  And, in that story, Brandi and Tiffany were the real bitches. Ariel, while the murderer was just a weak acolyte--she wanted so much to be with the IN group that she let herself recruit sweet Rita Baxter as a victim. Ariel is a bitch, but, to quote Diane Neal as Casey Novak from "Mean" on 'SVU', back in 2004, "The last time I looked, being weak isn't an excuse for murder!  It's just pathetic!"

                           Ariel is pathetic, but she killed Rita, so who can feel sorry for her?  Brandi and her brother had parents from hell, but, hey, so did Ryan and Tina Bayes have Charlotte for a mom, and they were not implicated in a murder. Though Ryan, as a minor was forced to participate in one.

                             I am glad Tiffany and Brandi got what they deserved, as adults.  Especially Tiffany, who fell off the social ladder and became a house bound, down and out alcoholic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Be very careful what you name your daughters, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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