Thursday, November 17, 2016

Congratulations, Three Lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              May Three Lives Bookstore go on to have many more lives!  Those of us who regard it as a second home--and that is any member of the literary community who reads or writes--are ecstatic at the news that negotiations in retaining the place at its home base of Waverly Place and West Tenth Street will continue.  I mean, who could look at that corner and imagine anything else?

                                 Just like who could imagine going anywhere, seriously, for books, than Three Lives.  Whether I know what I am looking for, or need a suggestion, the staff is always courteous and helpful.  It is more like a literary tea party when I visit, than a shopping excursion.

                                    Rarely do I come out empty handed.

                                     Congratulations to Toby and Staff for continuance at Three Lives.

                                       The best pre-birthday gift I could have received.

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