Monday, November 28, 2016

Darlings, I Have Said It For Years, And Will So Again--The Radio City Living Nativity Is SO Spectacular, I Don't Think The Real Thing Could Have Been Better Staged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Honestly, girls, I cried real tears at this moment, which was just like being there, and capped the 2016 Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular, which my beloved and I took in, on Saturday.

                               I don't think I have seen this show for 20 years; longer than that, if you want to be honest.  What used to consist of flats and breakaway scenery has been added 3-D, Lasers, drones, and every technological wonder of the day to make this show, as crazy as this may sound, spread out from the stage, and into the audience.

                                 Kids of all ages, especially this child here, was enchanted. Next to The Nativity, my favorite feature is the Rockettes dressed as toy soldiers, and falling flat, like dominoes. How in the world do they do that?

                                   You know, for a brief time, I wanted to be a Rockette? Who among us who was young once did not want to be?  Those outfits, those kicks, that dream!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, well, it just wasn't to be.

                                     Which does not mean you cannot appreciate their talent and artistry, now on display through January 2.

                                         Go if you have never been, or if you want to recapture the magic of childhood again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And real camels, darlings!  And they control their bowels!!!!!!!!

                                           Equity animals always do, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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