Tuesday, November 22, 2016

So, How Was The Birthday????????????????

                                Everyone has been asking me that, darlings, so let me start by saying it was a rather ordinary day, in which some rather non-ordinary things were done.

                                 We--my beloved and all--started at Borough Hall in Brooklyn, getting confirmation documents for our marriage certificate. Yes, girls, there will be a wedding sometime in January, with a reception to follow, and you will be kept informed on that.  You better believe I have Vera Wang on speed dial; she has to come up with a veil and outfit for me. It has to top the wedding gown that Julie Andrews wore in "The Sound Of Music!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                    From there, we went to TKTS, and got tickets to the next day's matinee of Heisenberg, with Mary-Louise Parker, whom I have been so anxious to see.  More on that later.

                                    Then we went into the city.  Of course, we went to Three Lives, and, of course, I brought a book!!!!!!!!!

                                       We came back to Bay Ridge, and rested, then we had a scrumptious birthday meal, at our favorite dining spot, Chadwick's.

                                         I cannot resist the tomato, eggplant and mozzarella skewers as appetizers.  My beloved had the corn chowder soup.  We shared a Porterhouse For Two, and went easy on the meat and potatoes, but the spinach was fabulous.  I had A-1 Sauce, of course, and had a delicious apple tart for desert.  My beloved had Peach Melba, which we had been discussing, in light of the departure of Rumplemayer's.

                                          Satisfied, but not stuffed, we made our way home, and had a lovely, quiet night.  As one matures, darlings, birthdays are not the bacchanals they once used to be!

                                            I was happy and content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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