Monday, November 7, 2016

Sure To Be One Of My Top Ten, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I am not sure, right now, what rank "The Nix" will be, but I am going to go out on a limb and say this.  Nathan Hill's first novel, is the most cogent, penetrating and insightful novel about the way life has been and is being lived in this country, since Jonathan Franzen first gave us "The Corrections."

                            It may sound hyperbolic, but it is not.  "The Nix" is not as angry a book as "The Corrections," but it has a way of getting under one's skin, by amalgamating a child abandoned by his mother, a search for that mother, the Chicago Democratic Convention protests, back in 1968, and Norway and Norse mythology.

                               And this is just for starters. What should have been a thousand plus page novel has been pared down to a still lengthy 620 that moves with the speed of light.  I could not put this down, darlings, and when I got to the end, I wanted more. How often do I say that?

                                 I swear, dolls, "Hix May Nix Stix Pix," but do not dare miss reading "The Nix."

                                  Whether you live in the city, or the stix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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