Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas In Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            What a day we had yesterday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I had to get up early, with nothing in me, for a blood test at a lab in my neighborhood.  I did not get any coffee in my system, until 11AM, and let me tell you I was jonesing.  Just like Brandi Beaudry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But, later on that day, we did a photo shoot.  Here I am, in front of the best decorated door in the  building, our next door neighbor, Jennifer.  She is extremely creative.  We have to get our decorations going; Baby Gojira is champing at the bit for his Christmas outfit!!!!!!!!!!

                              Don't worry, I still love Victoriana, and always will.  But wait till you see how fabulous Christmas in Bay Ridge can be.

                                As for today's song, how about something moving, like "What Child Is This?"

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