Thursday, December 29, 2016

Darliings, If This Is Not The Face Of A Psychotic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am sorry to have to end this year's Bitch Of The Week column with such a mundane choice. Steven Nichols is just your garden variety insurance killer.  His girl friend, Rhonda Castro, suffered a fatal fall on the famed Trail Of Tears, otherwise known as the Trail Of Tears, in the Columbia River Gorge, on March 16, 2009.

                                    Rhonda plunged 150 feet to her death, in what was ruled an accident, but which our end year Bitch Of The Week, Steven Nichols, helped with by pushing Rhoda off the trail, so he could collect on her one million dollar insurance policy.  Also, the several years relationship had been falling apart, and he did not want to pay child support. The two then had an infant daughter.

                                       Nothing a bit remarkable about this bitch, but when I found out he was a Day Trader, I thought, "Well, that he is a psychopath makes total sense."  That, and just look at his face.  The face of psychopathy.

                                          Of course he is arrogant.  Of course he maintains his innocence. And of course, I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison before sent to Hell, where he belongs.

                                           The Old Life Insurance Ploy.  How many times do people expect to get away with that?

                                            Sorry to end on a whimper.  May 2017 bring us more fabulous bitches, and later on this week I will reveal Bitch Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Till then, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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