Tuesday, December 27, 2016

"Do You Believe In Jesus???????? Yes, Ah Do, Yes Ah Do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                             Girls, I am back from the Holidays, so let's talk about it.

                             For starters, right before their start, last week, the elevator on our side of the building, went kaput, and we haven't got it back yet.  Last Thursday, I was returning from shopping, struggling up the walk up stairs--something we both wanted to escape--when I tripped, and went down on the marble floor in our hallway, just before reaching our door.  Actually, it happened on the stairs, so, in a sense, I went, almost literally, up the down staircase!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I lie there, afraid to move, not sure if I could.  I cursed. I screamed. A downstairs neighbor, named Mary, who somewhat resembles my next door neighbor, Jennifer, came and helped me.  Once inside, Baby Gojira tended to me, and it was all he could do to keep me in check emotionally.  I was in such pain I wanted Brandi Beaudry's synthetic morphine.  But I toughed it out.

                              Traveling was a nightmare of pain that I managed to get through.  I thought of Jacinta, but I am so far from her, it is not worth mentioning.

                               What is worth discussing is this photo, taken in front of the home of my beloved Cujo!!!!!!!!!  See how brightly his house is decorated????  The prettiest on the block!  Cujo would not have it any other way.  And I just KNOW he LOVED the HUGE bone we gave him--our annual Christmas gift to him!  And, for the first time, beginning a tradition, miss Chloe got a gift, too!!!!!!!!!!!  Milk Bone treats!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  While in Pennsylvania, I learned Kensington is a place to avoid, and that Chestnut Hill was not the desirable place it once was when Brandi, Ariel, Tiffany, and Rita lived there.  Guess area affluence does not last forever.  Except, of course, for the President Streets in Highland Park.

                                    But Christmas was a blast.  The change of routine confused my 101-year-old father, but he managed to make it through, we are all set to tape my great-niece, Fiona's, dance performance on TV tomorrow.

                                     Still, when we finally boarded that bus, yesterday, we were glad to get back to New York City!

                                      Merry Christmas, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Make those New Years Eve plans NOW!!!!!!!!

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