Thursday, December 1, 2016

Even Buskers Can Be Bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            This week's Bitch Of The Week is a collective one.  Buskers are street performers, and this also includes subway platforms, and, yes, in the cars, themselves.

                               Some of them, especially the ones in the morning, are quite good and talented--I especially like the Do-OP ones, and those who do songs like "Under The Boardwalk."

                                 No, it is when one is en route home, worn out after a day's work, when all I want to do is lose myself in the book I am reading, until I reach my home stop. But this is the time when the most annoying--The Collective Bitches Of The Week--appear.

                                  Like the ones who voice their plight with the clarion call of Ethel Merman.  I do not want to sound lacking in compassion, but if the vocals are this hardy, my suspicion of their need goes up.  Couldn't you take it down a notch, display some vulnerability, when asking for wares?  It might yield more fruitful results.

                                    The worst is this disheveled guy, straggly beard, long hair, dressed in a burlap gown with a rope tied around it, like he stepped out an outtake from "Star Wars."  His chant is rhythmic, so it disturbs your tranquility, but I have to say his voice is so powerful, he should think about auditioning for The Metropolitan Opera???????????  In fact, he would probably do well in the chorus, at least!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And give the rest of us who need it then, a rest, you bitches!

                                     And don't get me started on the a cappella ones who think they can sing, but can't!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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