Friday, December 30, 2016

Girls, How Could I Have Missed "The Dolly Sisters????????????"

                            This recent Christmas eve might have started a new tradition, darlings!  Worn out by The Mormon Tabernacle Choir, unable to face another viewing of "It's A Wonderful Life," my beloved and I discovered "The Dolly Sisters," a movie I have always had a peculiar relationship with.

                               The problem was I always had the wrong film, and the wrong Betty.  I always mixed this up with another 1940's film, "And The Angels Sing," released in 1944, and featuring Betty Hutton, who does the show-stopper, "His Rocking Horse Ran Away."  This was not that.

                                  Both film are about sister acts, but this one features Betty Grable--she of the million dollar legs--with the oft repeated song, "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows."  It also has character actor S.Z. Sakall, and these fabulous Orry-Kelly costumes, and the technicolor photography is just so breathtaking, girls, it demands to be seen.  And I want to wear some of those gowns!  The visual beauty of this rather ordinary film had my jaw dropping!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The big surprise is John Payne.  Of course, we all know him from "Miracle On 34th Street," and, while I know he did other movies, that was the only one I had ever seen him in.  Handsome as all get out, a decent actor--but who knew he could sing????????  Not only is he a graduate of Columbia--here in NYC--he studied at a place just getting on its foot, a little school called Julliard.  Wait till you hear his gorgeous voice!  After doing so, I cannot imagine why Metro did not try to snap him up, or why, in the Fifties, he did not go to Broadway and score triumphs on the stage.  I am told he was heard in some other Fox musicals, so now I have to see for myself.

                                    But, girls, you gotta hand it to Betty!  The way she maintains her hair and make-up gives us all something to aspire to.

                                      What a Christmas treat!  You have GOT to see it!

                                       It was always said Fox insured Grable's legs for a million dollars.

                                       I wonder how much I could get for mine??????????

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