Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Our Courtyard Entrance Is Festively Decorated, And Has A Christmas Tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Honestly, darlings, this reminds me of the Christmas trees of my childhood, back home in Highland Park.  Our ceilings were so high we often had the biggest one around.  And we kept that tradition going, as long as I resided there.

                            The photo does not begin to do justice to the scenic splendor of what is seen as one enters the courtyard.  I am surprised crowds have not come, and gathered.  It's less congested than Rockefeller Center!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And today we are at the halfway point.  Just twelve days remaining!  So, here is the classic song from the 1994 revival of "She Loves Me!," "Twelve Days Till Christmas!"



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