Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Most Tragic Precedent Of the Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            As I remarked last week, darlings, I did not hear about Carrie Fisher being stricken, until arriving at my sister's for Christmas, last Friday, December 23.  I was horrified to learn of her passing on December 27.  This was sad enough--but then came news that, while planning her daughter's funeral, Carrie's mom, actress Debbie Reynolds, had suffered a stroke!  "Not plucky Debbie!," I thought.  Only, as I discovered, Debbie was not so plucky; I had been unaware that, prior to then, she had suffered a couple of strokes.  Still, Debbie couldn't die!!!!!!!!!!!  Could she???????????  And not now, just after Carrie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Guess what, girls?  She could and she did.

                            This was something only Hollywood could have made up--and yet it was real!  Maybe that is why, while tragic, it was somewhat apt Carrie should go together--both were so representative of Hollywood.  And now they will get a joint Hollywood sendoff.

                              While the rest of us are left reeling!!!!!!!!!!!  How much more can we stand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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