Wednesday, December 14, 2016

This Is My Favorite Tree In Bay Ridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Since moving here four years ago, this tree, professionally decorated, and just down the street along side our building, has become my favorite in the neighborhood, and a beacon of light, guiding me home, once I reach Third Avenue.

                                How this is done only the owners can say.  But this bare tree covered with red and blue lights is one of the many marvels in our area at Christmas time.  Somewhere, in this photo, I was standing in front of it, but the lighting did not allow for my presence, and it was more important to get the tree, anyway.

                                So, with eleven days to go, Happy Holidays to everyone, with this gorgeous tree!

                                Let's have some fun, today.  Here is Barry Gordon, with the Fifties Christmas classic, "I'm Getting Nuttin' For Christmas."

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