Friday, December 9, 2016

What I Wouldn't Give For "A Long Winter's Nap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              Are the Holidays starting to get to you yet, girls?  They are slowly getting to me: I have to bring in something sweet--besides myself!!!!--for the Christmas Party at work.  Not the big one, where everyone makes fools of themselves, but the little one, which, frankly, is more fun!

                                 Would you believe I haven't seen the Metropolitan Art Museum Tree, yet?  And I have been so addled, with yesterday having been the Feast Of the Immaculate Conception, I should have played "Mary's Boy Child!"  I will make up for that, today.

                                   Yes, the Holiday season is closing in; it is enough to turn anyone into Brandi Beaudry.  But, have a nice layered iced latte, in between shopping sessions.

                                    Merry Christmas, dolls!

                                    And here is the song!  Harry Belafonte, of course!  The classic!!!!!!!!!!!!

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